Study Proves Eczema Is an Autoimmune Disease

Oh. My. Gosh. Well, I’m glad that this is a scientifically proven fact now, but please don’t take medication to solve the problem. Instead, get to the root cause of why your body is attacking itself. That will help not only with eczema, but so much more. In the case of eczema, the root causeContinue reading “Study Proves Eczema Is an Autoimmune Disease”

Food Sensitivity Impacts Skin and GI Disorders

“A number of chronic inflammatory and degenerative conditions improve when certain food sensitivities or intolerances are identified, and those offending foods are avoided. Conditions that respond favorably include skin problems like eczema and psoriasis, IBS, Crohn’s, celiac disease, and a number of auto-immune diseases.” via Food Sensitivity Impacts Skin and GI Disorders. Of course, thisContinue reading “Food Sensitivity Impacts Skin and GI Disorders”

Gluten Sensitivity Associated with Asthma, Depression, More

When my son was 6 months old, he suddenly came down with violent eczema: bright red patches on his cheeks, elbows and legs that drove him crazy with itchiness. My smiling cheerful “sunshine boy” was suddenly transformed into a miserable, crying, bloody mess. I was still well-behaved enough to bring him to the pediatrician…

Gluten Sensitivity Featured in The Times Herald Record

Read my article, plus an interview with 2 of my wonderful clients, as featured in the The Times Herald Record on December 23, 2009. Can Going Gluten Free Change Your Life? Goodbye to Gluten: Two Who Feel ‘So Much Better’

Food Sensitivities, Allergies & Intolerances

Q:  What is the difference between a food sensitivity and a food intolerance? A:  Here is how I define it (you may find other definitions elsewhere).

A food sensitivity is genetic. You are born with it, and it is lifelong. The only way to successfully address it is to completely eliminate the food from your diet.Continue reading “Food Sensitivities, Allergies & Intolerances”

Gluten Sensitivity: You Are What You… Digest

Most people wouldn’t think that these could all be caused by a food sensitivity, but they often are. Sensitivity to gluten, the protein in wheat, barley, oats, spelt and other grains, can cause these problems, and many more. People often undergo years of treatment for these symptoms without ever being diagnosed for the true underlying problem: gluten sensitivity. Although gluten is not always the cause, it may be possible to successfully manage many of these health issues only if gluten is removed from the diet.

Food Sensitivities

Identifying food sensitivities and helping clients adapt to eliminating them has been one of the most important keys to successfully assisting my clients reach their optimal health and well-being. Many clients come in with a long list of chronic symptoms, each of which has been treated, often unsuccessfully, with different medication, by a different specialist, and all of which we have been able to resolve within months simply by identifying and eliminating food sensitivities.