Are beans toxic?

Below is a thorough and admittedly somewhat lengthy article about why beans and legumes are problematic for so many people, especially those with chronic illness or a compromised gut. While beans have a reputation for being very healthy and “good for you”, the truth is that they contribute little but inflammation and high levels ofContinue reading “Are beans toxic?”

Zen Vitality Detox: Reboot in January!

How would you feel going through the holidays if you knew you had an effective and simple detox in your back pocket for January? I’m offering my online Zen Vitality Detox at $100 off until Dec 30th. All online, daily support, small bite-size pieces and clear guidelines. Zen for Calm. Vitality for all that healthy energy. It’s a winning combination.

Ten Reasons to Eat Chocolate & How to Keep Your Habit Healthy

Chocolate is GOOD for you! Here are my top 10 reasons you SHOULD eat chocolate, and how to keep your chocolate indulgence healthy

Boosting the Brain, Mending the Mind

I can’t remember why I walked in the room, I can’t remember names, I can’t retain what I just learned, I can’t focus without getting distracted…

Don’t let anyone tell you those are “normal signs of aging”. Or “just hormones”. Nope. You can reverse all that. I did, and more.

Gluten Causes Depression

“Short-term exposure to gluten specifically induced current feelings of depression with no effect on other indices or on emotional disposition.” Original article here Most people are still confused about symptoms from gluten sensitivity. No, it isn’t always in your gut. In fact, most of the time it isn’t. For many, gluten can cause symptoms ofContinue reading “Gluten Causes Depression”

My Rant on the NYT Article on Gluten

A Big Bet on Gluten-Free – Oh. My. Gosh. There are so many wrong-headed, misleading ideas and inaccuracies here, I barely know where to begin. Let’s start with whether avoiding gluten is only a passing fad like “the cupcake craze”, as the article unfortunately suggests. Now you have to admit that is pretty ironic,Continue reading “My Rant on the NYT Article on Gluten”