Zen Vitality Detox: Reboot in January!

How would you feel going through the holidays if you knew you had an effective and simple detox in your back pocket for January? I’m offering my online Zen Vitality Detox at $100 off until Dec 30th. All online, daily support, small bite-size pieces and clear guidelines. Zen for Calm. Vitality for all that healthy energy. It’s a winning combination.

Are You Fully Hydrated?

I would like to talk to you today about Hydration. If you are feeling sluggish and tired, if your mental focus is not as good as you like, if your metabolism has slowed down and you have trouble losing weight, if your energy level has dropped… Your hydration might be a big part of theContinue reading “Are You Fully Hydrated?”

Is there something wrong with most detoxes and cleanses?

Hi This is Fran Sussman from Fran Sussman Holistic Services. I want to talk to you about Detoxes and Cleanses. Is there something wrong with most detoxes and cleanses? I’d say yes… Most detoxes and cleanses are doing it wrong! They are only about deprivation for a short period of time, rather than rebuilding theContinue reading “Is there something wrong with most detoxes and cleanses?”

Your Customized 21 Day Detox

Doing a seasonal detox can give you more energy, a clearer mind, a jump start on weight loss, reduced inflammation, better digestion, better quality sleep, and improved overall health. I can help you do all this gently and effectively, without any drastic fasting, colonics, etc. You will not starve and you will be able to function (in fact, better) through your detox (and you will not have to stay close to the bathroom!)

Out With the Old In with the New: Fall Means It’s Time to Detox

If you’ve been feeling sluggish, foggy, and “blah” and want to get on the road to feeling clear, energetic and more alive, plus lose a few pounds, then a seasonal detox may be just what you need. Here’s a way to do it that is healthy, simple and I will customize it just for you.

Renew Your Energy with Internal Spring Cleaning

Feeling kind of blah and sluggish? Still dragging around those winter blues and an extra five pounds? Clothes feel too tight?

You may need some spring cleaning — not the external kind, but internally.