Is It Harder to Lose Weight When You’re Older?

“You do have to eat less to maintain that weight if you’ve been heavy,” said Dr. Cho Source: Is It Harder to Lose Weight When You’re Older? – The New York Times No NO NO! It’s not about eating less. It’s about eating differently. It’s about learning how to become a fat burner rather thanContinue reading “Is It Harder to Lose Weight When You’re Older?”

Six Weeks to Success!

Clients are losing pounds of fat, and inches—particularly around their waists, the best indicator of overall health improvement—and they are feeling GREAT! They are already well on their way to their goals, and feeling better than they thought possible. They are getting amazing results, not only in weight loss, but in ways they hadn’t even thought possible before the program.

Zen Vitality Detox: Reboot in January!

How would you feel going through the holidays if you knew you had an effective and simple detox in your back pocket for January? I’m offering my online Zen Vitality Detox at $100 off until Dec 30th. All online, daily support, small bite-size pieces and clear guidelines. Zen for Calm. Vitality for all that healthy energy. It’s a winning combination.

Rejuvenate Class: Detox, Rebalance, Replenish for Spring

Feeling kind of blah? sluggish? heavy? Still got those winter blues and an extra 5 or 10 pounds? (or more?) You may need to detox. Come to my 90 minute class on how to replenish, rejuvenate and rebalance with Detox!

Top 12 mistakes when eating ‘healthy’

this article was published as my Holistic Health column in The Times Herald Record Here are the top 12 mistakes I see right now, by people trying to eat healthier. Are you making any of them? I look at food journals every day, and what I see is that many people are still basing theirContinue reading “Top 12 mistakes when eating ‘healthy’”

3 Reasons “Cheating” Does not work!

Hi Fran Sussman here from Sussman Holistic Services and I want to talk to you today about the concept of “Cheating”. If you have convinced yourself that a little “Cheating” is OK, there are three reasons that you might want to reconsider! First of all, like it or not, you cannot cheat your biochemistry.Continue reading “3 Reasons “Cheating” Does not work!”

Is Healing Possible?

Hi Fran Sussman here; from Sussman Holistic Health and I want you to know that healing is possible. Wherever you’re starting from, whatever you’ve been through, I want you to know that we are designed to heal. All you need is the right guidance, information and support. And that’s why I’m here. Since 1993Continue reading “Is Healing Possible?”

Alarming Levels of Hydration!

Hi   Fran Sussman here; from Sussman Holistic Services and   I would like to talk to you today about Hydration.   If you are feeling sluggish and tired, if your mental focus is not as good as you like, if your metabolism has slowed down and you have trouble losing weight, if yourContinue reading “Alarming Levels of Hydration!”