Zen Vitality Detox: Reboot in January!

How would you feel going through the holidays if you knew you had an effective and simple detox in your back pocket for January? I’m offering my online Zen Vitality Detox at $100 off until Dec 30th. All online, daily support, small bite-size pieces and clear guidelines. Zen for Calm. Vitality for all that healthy energy. It’s a winning combination.

A 12-Hour Window for a Healthy Weight?

“Meal times have more effect on circadian rhythm than dark and light cycles,” Dr. Panda says. And circadian rhythm in turn affects the function of many genes in the body that are known to involve metabolism. via A 12-Hour Window for a Healthy Weight – NYTimes.com. Also known as intermittent fasting, the idea of restrictingContinue reading “A 12-Hour Window for a Healthy Weight?”

Top 12 Nutritional Mistakes I See in My Practice

Here are the top 12 nutritional mistakes I see in my practice right now by people TRYING to eat healthier. Are you making any of them?

They got 1 thing right: It’s not your fault if you can’t lose weight

For years, I’ve been teaching clients who come in frustrated and hungry that restricting calories damages and slows your metabolism, making it hard – if not impossible – to lose weight and keep it off. Fortunately there is an alternative.

Health and Financial Costs of Being Overweight or Obese – NYTimes.com

If the trend that, since the 1970s, has led to striking increases in the proportion of Americans who are overweight or obese is not halted, about three of every four Americans will be overweight or obese by 2020.

“If they can’t have a beer & a hot dog once in a while, you haven’t fixed ’em” George Goodheart, Father of Kinesiology

I once attended a seminar given by a fairly prominent and well-published M.D. He began by telling a story about a woman who had gone on a 30 day fast, and then came in to see him. “It didn’t work at all” she told him. “All my symptoms came back the first time I had a few french fries.”