Top 12 mistakes when eating ‘healthy’

this article was published as my Holistic Health column in The Times Herald Record Here are the top 12 mistakes I see right now, by people trying to eat healthier. Are you making any of them? I look at food journals every day, and what I see is that many people are still basing theirContinue reading “Top 12 mistakes when eating ‘healthy’”

Trying to Lose Belly Fat?

This is an excellent and very comprehensive article, and all the points Dr Mercola lists are elements of my approach – have been for years! – with one very important exception

What’s the Perfect Natural Snack?

“in study after study, the more often people ate nuts, the leaner they tended to be.” via Snacking Your Way to Better Health – Lose your fear of fats! Healthy fats, that is. I’ve been telling clients for 2 decades that nuts are just about the best snack you can choose, and that addingContinue reading “What’s the Perfect Natural Snack?”

On Line Q&A Session at The Times Herald Record

Q&A on a wide range of topics: which sweeteners are healthy, adding fat to your diet, building muscle as a vegan, environmental allergies, vaccinations, natural approaches to ADHD, all sorts of digestive issues, and more

What the Mediterranean Diet Study Means to You

Here’s the bottom line: Diets enriched by generous amounts of either nuts or extra virgin olive oil reduced cardiovascular risk by 30%.